Saturday, November 8, 2008


Ok so he won. Will he be any good though? I have been looking at his environmental policies and I found that Obama has some strong ideas.  Caring for the environment is not a big priority for many Americans at the moment due to the global recession but here's what Obama plans to do with the environment. What is great to read is that he sees problems with the environment as not really being green issues completely. Instead he sees environmental problems as being economic problems. The IB Geography group have looked at this and understand the impact rising sea levels and damage to agriculture can have upon a country's economy. 

Obama plans to introduce energy efficiency incentive schemes very shortly for homes and businesses as well as invest $150b into upgrading the elecricity network and researching new technologies for energy creation. 

The car industry can now apply fo loans ($25b) to produce energy-efficient vehicles. Obama wants to double the amount of the loan. 

He wants buildings to become carbon neutral and biouels to be used much more in the future although he must keep an eye on the impact upon food production of course. 

He would like to see 25% of energy produced from renewable sources by 2025.

In terms of CO2, Obama would sell off all the permits that allow CO2 produces to still produce similar amounts but can plant trees to 'offset' the carbon produced. Instead if they exceed their limit of CO2 production or wish to produce more, then they will have to pay for this themselves.  

We will wait and see of course.

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