Tuesday, August 19, 2008

IB Diploma Globalisation/Tourism

Hi everyone.

2 things:

1.Have a look at the following website:


It provides further examples for the economic, social and environmental problems connected with tourism. These should be added to your mind maps.

2.This second website provides details about the development of sustainable tourism:


Make notes for Australian Ecotourism and also the project in Honduras.


Please produce a 2 page report answering the 4 questions that you wrote down yesterday ensuring that you include a map and photographs.

Folder collection on Friday then an examination the following Friday for Globalisation.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

IGCSE Population homework

Hi everyone

Here is a list of the key terms that you must revise for an examination next lesson:

Birth Rate: The average number of births per thousand of the population per year
Death Rate: The average number of deaths per thousand of the population per year
Natural Increase: Birth rate minus death rate
Overpopulation: Too many people for the utilised or potential resources and technology available Under population: Too few people for the utilised or potential resources and technology available
Optimum population: Size of population which permits the full utilisation of the natural resources for the area
Life expectancy: The number of years that the average person born in a particular country can be expected to live
Population distribution: The way in which people are spread out across the world
Population density: The average number of people living in a sq km
Densely populated: An area that is crowded
Sparsely populated: An area that has few people living in it
Infant mortality rate: Number of infants per thousand that die before being 1 year old
Migration: Movement of people from on place to another for a period of time
Dependent population: The proportion of the population that is not economically active (under 16 and over 64 years of age)
Active population: Economically active percent of the population (16-64 years old)
Push factors: Factors which cause people to leave a place
Immigration: Entering and settling in a country or region which is not native
Emigrant: A person who leaves their country to settle in another

Good luck!

Friday, August 15, 2008

HL IB Geography - El Nino La Nina presentation

Here are details regarding your first homework task of the year!

You must produce a 10 minute presentation to a small selection of form 2 students about El Nino and La Nina. It is entirely up to you how you present your research but if follow these guidelines then you will be successful:

1.Keep it simple
2.Work as a team and divided up the work
3.Make it innovative - video? quiz?

I will speak to the students after your presentation and get their feedback and level of understanding.

Good luck and let me know if you have any problems with this task.