Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Form 3 homework

Produce a page of research about the North South divide. You should include a map showing the divide, some history about when it was created and also what you think about it. Is there are clear line between a rich North and poor South?

IB Population - water wars!

Provide a summary of the folowing article


Monday, February 25, 2008

Excellent map site for IB students

Hi everyone

Have a quick look at this site. It's got an excellent range of maps for poverty, development and resource consumption.


Monday, February 18, 2008

United Nations Population Projections

The UN has an excellent section on its website which provides a database of future population growth. Have a look at individual countries especially those that we have used for case studies such as Russia and Uganda for example.


Saturday, February 16, 2008

IGCSE Form 5 exam - monday

Please ensure that you revise EVERYTHING for volcanoes and earthquakes for Monday's exam. You must check the IGCSE Wider World Coursemate book I gave you in August.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Form 2 homework

For tomorrow's lesson please answer the following 3 questins as detailed as possible in your books:
1.What are the strongest parts to my project? (think about different sections, map, sketches, your organisation at home and work rate in lessons)
2.What are areas for improvement? (think of the same things as question 1)
3.Set yourself 2 targets for how your project could be improved (think about what you have mentioned in question 2)

Any problems as always please email me.

Ecological footprint

Calculate your ecological footprint using the following site:


Friday, February 8, 2008

IGCSE Form 5 homework - revision

You will be tested on plate tectonics (volcanoes and earthquakes). Therefore you must revise the following:

  • plate movement - the 4 types
  • types of volcanoes
  • effects of volcanoes
  • effects of earthquakes

Basically everything we have covered in the short time so far.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Form 3 homework - Amazon rainforest

Please read the following article about recent deforestation in the Amazon rainforest. Your task is to re-write the article in your own words using no more than 8 sentences. Think carefully about what you are going to include.


Tuesday, February 5, 2008

IGCSE Form 5 homework

This is the homework for Friday's lesson. In pairs you are to produce a 5 minute presentation with a 1 page handout about earthquakes. These are the topics:

Lucero and Paulina = A presentation about the cause, effect and response to the Mexico City earthquake

Rafael and Andres = A presentation about the cause, effect and response to the Kobe earthquake

Carlos and Alfonso = A presentation about how earthquakes are measured

Movies or powerpoints must be brought to me before Friday's lesson in order that I am certain they will work on my laptop.