Sunday, December 17, 2006

Look familiar?

Have a look at the article below regarding migration into Qatar. The report contains some of the pull factors that attract foreign workers to Doha. There are 3 key points :

1.The economic importance of migration is clearly stated in terms of developing an LEDC as well as developing Qatar

2.The devastating problems that some migrants have faced due to man made and natural disasters

3.That migration and economic development are linked within a cycle. Towards the end of the article the world is potrayed as a system where countries are going through a cycle of out then in-migration, e.g. Ireland, as it develops.

Friday, December 15, 2006

AS Level websites

Some of these are a couple of weeks old now but they provide useful case study material for countries whose population is declining and will bolster notes from class.
Russia :


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The purpose of this blog is to provide teaching resources for other Geography teachers and to show examples of excellent pupil work.

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